Step 1: Register Your Account

Registering Your Account Via the SIMPL Web Platform

You can register your SIMPL account directly on the SIMPL Web Platform. Please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to SIMPL Web Platform:

  2. Click on "Haven't Registered? Register Here" on the login screen. A new page will appear.

  3. Enter the email address you were invited with and Click Next. If you have multiple institutional emails you want to ask your program administrator for the email entered for you.

  4. Create your password and Click Next. Once you do that a 6-digit code will be sent to your email and a new page will appear on your screen. If you don't see an email after a 1-2 couple of minutes, click Resend Code.

  5. Enter the code you received and click Submit. 

  6. Read & review the EULA. Scroll down to the bottom for the accept button to turn green.

  7. Login to the app and start completing assessments!!!

Step 2: Inviting Users to Use SIMPL

Inviting Multiple Users to SIMPL Admin SiteInviting multiple users into the SIMPL Admin site is fast and easy using the bulk upload feature. 
  1. Download the bulk invite template.
  2. Collect the information needed to upload your faculty and trainees information including: first name, last name, email, PGY, NPI, role [Attending or Trainee] and trainee type if applicable. If you are program admin for an ABP-Sponsored Pediatric Program  you will also want to include the trainees SIMPL LearnID. More information can be found here.
  3. On the Users Page click "Bulk Invite Users"
  4. Click "Upload" and load your .csv list of faculty and trainees
  5. Review and correct any errors as needed. Click "Validate" to confirm corrections were accepted and there are no longer errors present.
  6. Click Invite All. Invitations will be sent to the emails provided. 

Helpful Tips to Consider:

Tip #1- Leave header row (row #1) as is to avoid upload issues

Tip #2- Use the role of Trainee & Attending

Tip #3- Be sure to save your user list as a .csv file before uploading.

Tip #4- Make sure you scroll through all pages to see all users uploaded

If you have additional questions, please take a look on our FAQ and Helpful Links support page. For any issue that is not solved, please email SIMPL Support at or