All SIMPL residents and faculty must register by setting up their password before they can log in and use the SIMPL app. They do this by clicking a secure link that they receive from the that is sent when a program administrator sends an email invite from the SIMPL OR Admin site. Not all faculty and trainees will register and set their password the first time they are invited, and re-sending the email registration can be done by:

  1. Clicking on the user's name in the SIMPL OR Admin Site
  2. Clicking the "Resend Registration Invite"

After the button is clicked, the invite has been reset. 


  • If the user has a date in the "Last Login" column on the Users tab, they have logged in in the past, ask them to try to use the "forgot password" link in the SIMPL app.
  • If the user does not have a date in the "Last Login" column on the Users tab, they may need a manual password set. to do this, 
    • Go to their profile, 
    • Manually give them a password, and then 
    • Send them their username and the password that you entered for them along with where they can download SIMPL at the app store or the google play store
    • Have them download SIMPL and enter the username and password you sent them and 
    • Have them reset their password to their own password