- Login to the SIMPL Bedside Admin site.
- On the left side navigation bar, click "Programs". A list of programs will appear.
- Click on the name of the program for which you are a program administrator. A new page will appear with the list of bedside procedures that are assigned to trainees in that program.
- Click on the "Edit Program Procedures" button in the upper right corner. The Edit Procedure List pop-up window will appear.
- To add a procedure to the assigned procedure list, click on the plus sign, “+”, to the right of the bedside procedure name.
- To remove a procedure ,click on the minus sign, “-, to the right of the bedside procedure name.
- Confirm your changes when adding or removing.
- Close the edit program procedure list window.
Once updated Trainees will see their new list of assigned procedures under that heading, "Assigned Procedures". Trainees can still ask for evaluations of Bedside procedures they completed that are not assigned by looking for that procedure under "Optional Procedure" when creating an evaluation.