To create an evaluation,
- Click on plus sign on the upper right screen of the Verify tab or click on Evaluate tab icon at the bottom of the screen. They will both take you to the New Evaluation form.
- Edit the date (optional). The date and time of the evaluation defaults to the current date and time but it can be edited if the procedure you want to request an evaluation for occurred previously. To change the date click on the date. You can change the date to a date up to 3 days previously. To change the time click on the Time text.
- Click on the Select Procedure text. You will be taken to a screen of your institution's procedures from which you can select. If you want to request an evaluation for a procedure that is not listed please contact your program administrator. Click on the procedure name. You will be returned to the New evaluation screen and the procedure you selected will appear. If you need to change your selection you can click on the procedure name again and select a new procedure. If you select a different procedure it will appear in the new evaluation form. Please note that you can only add one procedure for an evaluation.
- Click on "Select A Rater" text and you will be taken to a list of raters in your institution. You can search for them in the search box or scroll through the list which is alphabetized sorted. If the rater is missing from the list you can add a rater by clicking on the add rater icon ] in the upper right corner of the select rater screen. A new rater screen will appear. Enter the new raters email address, first name, and last name and click Submit. That newly added rater information will appear in the Rater field of the New Evaluation screen.
- Once you have the correct date/time, procedure and rater, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen.
- A popup will appear asking you to hand off your phone to the rater. Click Ok.
- The rater will then see your name, the procedure name and can select the appropriate performance level. Once they indicate the performance level they will be prompted to confirm that rating. The rater can select Agree if the information is correct or Disagree. If they select Disagree the evaluation will disappear and a new evaluation needs to be created. If the rater clicks “Agree” the Bedside application will return to the trainee’s verify tab. That evaluation is now viewable . An email to the rater’s email will be automatically generated by the system with details of the evaluation.